Sunday, 29 July 2012

Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri and His great students.

Besides his great contribution to research and scholarship, Allama Sayyed Anwar Shah Sb. Kashmiri  also produced an army for the boundries of Islamic kingdom of knowledge and research to fight against the foes of Quran and Hadith.
His students are the biggest introduction of his high status in Quran, Uloom e Quran, Hadith and Fiqh.
After the departure of allama Ibne Hajar [R.A] Allama Kashmiri is standing as an exceptional figure in Islamic history as he revived the same tradition as belongs to Shams Tabrez with Maulana Rome, Ibne Timiya with Ibne Qayyim and Ibne hajr with Allama Sakhawi. The greatness of a scholar can not be judged by the number of books he wrote but by the words that become the precious pearls of treasure of Ilm.
Allama Kashmiri is not only the author of great books but also the master of those pupil , who are telling the story of his greatness, proclaiming his status, revealing his kingship, announcing very clearly that the Kings of world have been buried but for the Kings of knowledge and wisdom there is no death, no deterioration to their Kingdom, they are alive as the heart throb of the seekers of Ilm.                                                                                                                                                     Here are few names of Allama’s great students;   (1)Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdulqadir SB. Raipury      (2) Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiuallah Sb. Ilahbadi    (3) Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin Sb. [Shekhul Hadith Darululoom Deoband]    (4) Sheikhul Adab Hazrat Maulana Ezaz Ali Sb. Amrohwi       (5) Hazrat Maulana Munazir Ehsan Gilani    (6) Hazrat Maulana Qari Md. Tayyab Sb. [Mohtamim Daruuloom Deoband]     (7) Mujahid e Millat Maulana Hifzurrehman Sb. [Formal Nazim, Jamiat Ulama e Hind]    (8) Hazrat Maulana Sayyed Md. Miyan Sb. Deobandi [Formal Nazim, Jamiat Ulama e Hind]    (9) Hazrat Maulana Idris Sb. Kandhalvi [Author At-Talequssabeeh  Shrah Mishkatul Masabih]      (10)  Hazrat Maulana Badrealam Sb. Meeruti [Author Faiz ul Bari]   (11) Mufti e Azam Hazrat Maulana Mufti Shafi Sb. Deobandi    (12) Hazrat Maulana Habibur Rehman Sb. Muhaddith    (13) Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Sb. Naqshbandi [Khanqah Kindiyan]    (14)  Raisul Ahrar Maulana Habiburrehman Ludhiyanwi    (15) Sayyed Ataullah Shah Bukhari.    (16) Maulana Md. Anwari Lailpury.    (17) Mufti Ateequrreman Sb. Usmani [Head, Nadwatulmusannifin Delhi]    (18) Md. Manzoor Sb. Naumani [ Editor Monthly Al-Furqaan Lucknow]    (19) Md. Saeed Ahmad Sb. Akbarabadi [ Editor Monthly Burhan Delhi]    (20) Allama Yousuf Al binnory [Founder Madarsa Islamia Arabia Karachi]    (21) Qazi Zainul abideen Sb. Sajjad Meeruti [Member Of Majlise Shura Darululoom Deoband] (22) Maulana Hamidulansari Sb. Ghazi [Member Of Majlise Shura Darululoom Deoband]    (23) Maulana Md. Chiragh Sb. Gujranwala    (24) Maulana Mashiutallah Sb. Bijnori     (25) Allama Tajor Najibabadi [Editor Adabi Dunya Lahore]     (26) Maulana Abulwafa Shahjahanpuri     (27) Jb. Shamsulhaque Sb. [Minister of Educadion for Qallat State]   (28) Saifullah Shah Sb. Kashmiri    (29) Md. Yousuf Sb. Meer vaiz Kashmir   (30) Meerak Shah. Sb. Kashmiri    (31) Md. Mustafa Kashmiri [Speaker Of Assembly Kashmir]    (32) Mufti Mehmood Sb. Nanotwi    (33) Islamul Haque Sb.Aazami  [Teacher ‘ Darululoom Deoband’]    (34) Maulana Shamsuddin Sb. Afghani   (35) Md. Miyan Samlaki Afriqa   (36) Pr. Anwarulhasan Sherkoti [karachvi]   (37) Md. Yousuf Ismail Sb. Gardi Afriqa   (38) Maulana Ahmad Raza Sb. Bijnori [Author ‘Anwar ul Bari’]    (39) Saifurrehman Sb. [Teacher, Department of Deenyat University of Peshawar]     (40) Pr. Anwarul Haque Alvi [ Professer Punjab University]    (41) Maulana Kareem Bakhsh Sb. [ Professer Oriental College Lahore]    (42) Ghulamullah Khan Sb. [Mufassir e Quran Rawalpindi] (43) Siddique Hasan Sb. Najibabadi [Author ‘Anwar ul Mehmood]    (44) Faizuddin Sb. Advocate [ State Hyderabad]     (45) Tajulislam Sb. [Sheikhul Islam Pakistan{East}]   (46)   Md. Ali Jalandhari [ Khatib e Pakistan]    (47) Sharique Ahmad Sb. Usmani [ Editor Asre Jadid Calcutta] (48) Abdul hannan Sb. Hazarvi (49) Mufti Bismillah Sb. Gujrat (50) Md. Yaseen Sb. Berma (51) Md. Ayyub Sb. Aazami [Sadar Mudarris Jamia Islamia Dabhel] (52) Hakim Jalil Sb. Dehelvi   (53) Khwaja Abdul Hai Sb. Jamia Millia    (54) Lutfullah Sb. Peshawari    (55) Qari Asghar Ali Sb. [ Teacher ‘Darululoom Deoband’]    (56) Mufti Md. Naeem Sb. Ludhyanwi    (58) Hashmat Ali Sb. [ Formal Mohtamim Madarsa Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur]      (59) Sultan Mehmood Sb. [ Sadar Mudarris Madarsa Fatehpuri Delhi]    (60) Dr. Sayyed Abdul Ali Sb. Lucknow   (61) Maulana Ghulam Ghaus Sb. Sarhadi.   (62) Khwaja Hasan Nizami Dehelwi [Famous Writer]   (63) Maulana Moosa Bham Ji Sb. 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Allama zahid Al Kauthari praises Allama Anwar Shah.

In Maqalat al-Kawthari, one article is devoted to showing the misguidance of the Qadiyanis. Towards the end of the article, ‘Allamah Zahid al-Kawthari (1879 – 1951) only mentions ‘Allamah Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri (1875 – 1933) and his associates, Mawlana Murtada Hasan al-Chandpuri (1868 – 1951) and Mufti Shafi‘ al-‘Uthmani (1896 – 1976), as those who defeated the Qadiyani heresy in India in writing.  Allama zahid Al Kauthari says:                
May Allah (Glorified is He) elevate the rank of the lost soul of Islam, the penetrating hadith-scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Anwar al-Kashmiri in the rooms of the Gardens [of paradise], and may He repay him with the reward of those who defended the borders of the religion of Islam, for indeed he uprooted the Qadiyanis with his irrefutable arguments, and he created a barrier before the terrible evil of the moderate of them and the extreme of them in India, by compiling beneficial books in refutation of them in various languages.
He researched in his book Ikfar al-Mulhidin the matter of anathematising them and their ilk. At its conclusion is found around seventy seven quotes similar [to the quotes] that have preceded from the writings of the aforementioned Ghulam Ahmad the false claimant to prophethood, quoting from the books of this deviant while identifying the pages from them by the selection of the eminent teacher, Mawlana Sayyid Murtada [Hasan al-Chandpuri] al-Hindi, and along with those texts are their translations into Arabic by the pen of the earnest teacher, Mawlawi Muhammad Shafi‘ al-Deobandi. Awareness of [even] one of them is enough to be certain of the speaker and his partisans having left the fold of Islam.
(Maqalat al-Kawthari, p. 271-2)
While discussing the deviant belief that the Prophet ‘Isa (upon him peace) has died and will not descend, ‘Allamah al-Kawthari writes:
And in ‘Aqidat al-Islam fi Hayat ‘Isa ‘alayhi al-salam by our master, the oceanic-scholar, al-Kashmiri, is a detailed explanation of the ways the Book indicates to what the people of truth are upon, so whoever wants more detail should refer to that. (Maqalat al-Kawthari, p. 266)
Besides ‘Aqidat al-Islam (and its commentary Tahiyyat al-Islam) and Ikfar al-Mulhidin, ‘Allamah Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri also authored al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih in refutation of the Qadiyanis. In this book, he collected all the narrations proving the bodily descent of ‘Isa at the end of time. The book was edited and published by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah.
‘Allamah al-Kawthari also said ‘Allamah al-Kashmiri’s work on the issue of raf‘ al-yadayn is one of the best on the topic:
From the best of what was written on this topic is Nayl al-Firqadayn and Bast al-Yadayn both of them by our master, the great scholar, the deep ocean, Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri, Allah have mercy on him. (Ta’nib al-Khatib, p. 166)
On specific works on hadith-proofs for the Hanafi school, he also has a book on reciting behind the imam in prayer (Fasl al-Khitab fi Mas’alati Umm al-Kitab), and another on Witr (Kashf al-Sitr ‘an Salat al-Witr); and he was also an aide to ‘Allamah Nimawi’s Athar al-Sunan to which he made further notes after the author’s death with the title al-Ithaf li Madhhab al-Ahnaf.
Finally, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah wrote in the introduction to his edition of al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih:
Our shaykh, the researcher, al-Kawthari said: “After the shaykh, the imam, Ibn al-Humam, there appeared none equal to him [i.e. ‘Allamah Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri] in eliciting rare points of discussion from hadiths – and this is a long period of time!” (al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih, p. 26)