Saturday, 28 June 2014

Fayz Ul Bari is a commentary on Al- jami Al- Sahih of Imam Bukhari(r.a) in Arabic language and was compiled from the lectures notes of Allama  Anwar Shah Kashmiri(r.a) by one of his students, namely, Maulana  Badr-e-Alam  Meeriti. Faiz ul Bari consists of six lengthy volume. Its first volume consists of a lengthy introduction, which deals with the biography of Allama Kashmiri  and notes on “Isnaad” (chain of narrators) by Allama Yousuf Binuri. It also includes a biography of Imam Bukhari, and the special characteristics of Imam Bukhari hadis compilation and other related issues. This work gives extensive coverage to Tarjumatul Abwab in order to acquaint the reader with the relationship that exists between the headings of the chapters and the Ahadis Contained in them. The subject of Aqaid (beliefs) is also discussed in great detail so as to impress upon the reader the need for one to have the correct beliefs as a muslim. Certain omissions of Imam Bukhari are also highlighted. An effort has also been made to explorate a Fiqhi (legal) ruling, wherever possible, from some of the subjects that have been tackled in Sahih Bukhari Shareef.  

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